[Packtpub] Getting Started with Core Features in Ansible 2


[Packtpub] Getting Started with Core Features in Ansible 2

A fast-paced guide to understanding the core features in Ansible 2. Learn playbooks, roles, variables, modules, and plugins.

Video Description
With developing technologies at market pace, automation is always essential. It can be quite a task for a DevOps Engineer to manage large infrastructures. You always need a reliable solution which takes security as a top concern and has a maintainable and well-optimized infrastructure.

Ansible is an open source automation platform that assists organizations with tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, orchestration, and task automation. With Ansible, even complex tasks can be handled more easily than before. This course teaches you the key new features in Ansible 2 and give an introduction to how to create Ansible playbooks and modules. You will also learn modular configuration using roles to simplify your tasks even more. You will learn to overcome security, automation, and deployment concerns by implementing Ansible playbooks.

By the end of this course, you will have learned how to create and install custom modules and plugins which can be integrated to automate processes. You will speed-up software delivery from development to production by automating tasks and deliver applications much more efficiently.

Style and Approach
This course introduces you to automation tools and teaches you some advanced methods for using Ansible. You will learn to implement multiple Ansible playbooks to speed your automation processes and deliver efficiently.

What You Will Learn

  • Execute ad-hoc commands against servers using Ansible
  • Automate and design powerful Ansible playbooks
  • Integrate Amazon Web Services with playbooks
  • Deploy your software securely with no need for human intervention
  • Spin up new servers and entire infrastructures
  • Audit all hosts for security measures with custom methods as needed
  • Install any new module or update current ones to any number of hosts

Created By Prateek Jain
Released Date August 28, 2018
Duration 2h

Size: 417.33 MB

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